Flying Tiger Line
Pilots Association

Roz Grashaw

Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association

In Memorium...

Roz Grashaw

April 23, 1926 - June 16, 2015



Memories from Marilyn Breen, June 23, 2015
Flying Tigers: Remember this lady? Here in her Seaboard Uniform circa: 1953!
Roz Grawshaw passed away on June 16 at the age of 89. She was with some of her flying companions when she died. A private service was held.
I remember her as a professional flight attendant with a sweet smile for everyone. She taught me to properly tie a garbage bag. Now for those who don't know - that is a pretty important lesson! She is remembered for much more, but she always laughed about my ineptitude. The world will miss this lovely lady.

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