Association Bylaws
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association (FTLPA).
Section 2. The Home Office of the Association shall be that of its Principal Officer, or as may be designated by the Executive Board.
Section 3. All previous references to Conventions are now termed Reunions per previous amendment.
Section 1. The Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association consists of pilots and employees of the Flying Tiger Line, dedicated to preserving the memory of a great airline and those who served in China and in World War II. Its purpose is to maintain and continue the close friendships and associations of the members.
Section 1. Active Membership shall be extended to Pilots and former employees from all departments of the Flying Tiger Line.
Section 2. In addition to Active Membership, there shall be two special categories:
- Life Membership
- Life Members will be the surviving spouses, companions, or other close family members of deceased Active Members who wish to remain engaged with news of the Association
- Life Members are not required to pay dues and may decline continued membership if they so wish.
- Honorary Membership
- Sponsors who nominate a candidate shall be Active Members in good standing.
- There is no limit on the number of Honorary Memberships to be conferred each year.
- For consideration a nominee must be present at the business meeting and have attended at least one prior reunion within the past five years. His or her sponsor must also be present during their second attended reunion in which they will be confirmed as an Honorary Member.
- Prior to each Reunion, the Executive Board shall consider and approve the candidates for Honorary Membership.
- The names of nominated candidates shall be presented for voting at the business meeting of each Reunion. A majority vote by those present shall be required for confirmation.
- The membership roster shall show the year in which the Honorary Member was confirmed. Honorary Members are required to pay dues in subsequent years to maintain their status as Honorary Members.
Section 3. The annual membership dues shall be $30.00. Dues are payable upon joining the Association, and thereafter each year. The dues year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st.
Section 1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board. Each of the four Officers described in this section will be confirmed by majority vote of the membership at the annual business meeting. If required, each officer can also be subsequently dismissed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the power to transact the general business of the Association, and shall arrange and control its current affairs. The Executive Board shall incur no indebtedness beyond its existing funds.
Section 3. The President shall exercise supervision over all the affairs of the Association, call all meetings of the Executive Board, and shall preside over such meetings. The President shall be the presiding officer at all Reunions.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall execute such duties as are assigned to him or her by the President.
Section 5. The duties of the Treasurer are to handle the Association’s financial affairs and to execute such duties as may be assigned his or her office by the President. The Treasurer’s mailing address will be used for collection of membership dues payments as well as receipt of annual reunion registration forms and payments. Relevant data will subsequently be communicated to the Secretary as required to maintain the membership roster and to properly plan for annual reunions.
Section 6. The duties of the Secretary are:
- to keep a current roster of association members, their contact information, and their dues status.This information will be made available to the webmaster for periodic updating of the online Membership Roster.
- to maintain appropriate data files as required for planning and attendance at annually planned reunions.
- Updated information required to maintain rosters and data spreadsheets will be made available on periodic basis, or as required,by the Treasurer.
Section 7. Not constituting a part of the Executive Board, the Association shall also have four additional Officers or Representatives known as the Historian, the Flight Attendant Representative, the Life Member Representative, and the AVG Representative. Ideas and suggestions from these additional officers throughout the year regarding FTLPA business will be encouraged and considered. Each of the four additional positions described in this section will be appointed and/or can be dismissed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
The duties of the Secretary are:
- to keep a current roster of association members, their contact information, and their dues status.This information will be made available to the webmaster for periodic updating of the online Membership Roster.
- to maintain appropriate data files as required for planning and attendance at annually planned reunions.
- Updated information required to maintain rosters and data spreadsheets will be made available on periodic basis, or as required,by the Treasurer.
The duties of the Historian are to gather and disseminate history, personal data and lore of the Flying Tiger Line.
The duties of the Flight Attendant Representative are to act as a liaison for former Flying Tiger Line Flight Attendants and to assist the Association in the recognition of the contributions this group has made throughout the history of The Flying Tiger Line.
The duties of the Life Member Representative are to act as a caring liaison for those listed on the membership roster as Life Members, particularly for those who have recently been widowed. This position may be held by the spouse of an Active Member should nobody else wish to hold he position.
The duties of the AVG Representative are to act as the AVGFTA liaison for all matters concerning the American Volunteer Group.
Section 1. All candidates for office shall be nominated and elected by a majority vote of those Active Members present during the business meeting at the Reunion. The voting body shall consist only of those Active Members whose dues are paid.
Section 2. Elections shall be by voice vote at the business meeting. A majority vote of those Active Members present and voting shall rule.
Section 3. Offices of President, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be occupied only by former FTL cockpit crewmembers.
Section 4. Officers shall hold office until replaced by newly elected officers. Should an officer become unable to serve during his term of office he shall be replaced by vote of the Executive Board, and the replacement shall serve until the next Reunion. An officer may also be removed from office by Majority vote of the three remaining officers.
Section 1. The Association shall hold an annual Reunion. The place of future Reunions shall be determined by majority vote of the Executive Board as far as three calendar years in advance of each Reunion.
Section 2. Members are welcome and encouraged to bring guests, such as friends and family members, to annual Reunions. Such guests must be listed on their host’s registration form and must pay the same costs and fees, yearly membership dues excluded.
Section 3. All former Flying Tiger Line employees are encouraged to attend reunions for the first time, or periodically, without the requirement to join FTLPA. However, such attendees are still considered guests and must be listed as such on a host’s registration form per Section 2 above. Former employment at FTL does not constitute automatic membership within FTLPA, nor the right to attend reunions without being invited by an Association member in good standing.
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended only at an Annual Reunion and by a majority vote of the Active Members present.
Section 2. This current version of the FTLPA Bylaws, dated 5/28/2023 represents the revised version of the Bylaws and includes all previous Amendments. Recent amendments were approved by the current Executive Board and presented to those in attendance at the business meeting in San Diego, CA on this date, May 28, 2023, where they passed by unanimous vote of those present.
John Dickson- President
Earl Gillette - Vice-President
Bill Libby- Treasurer
Leigh-lu Prasse- Secretary