Flying Tiger Line
Pilots Association

William H. Towner

townerFlying Tiger Line Pilots Association

In Memoriam...

William H. Towner

02-15-1918- 04-02-1999

Bill always loved flying. He started when he was 16 years old, cleaning out hangers and planes for rides. He got his pilot license at eighteen. After college and working part time jobs to make money for flying he was hired by TWA in 1943. He was flying as a captain in 1950 when he was furloughed. He was still on furlough when he was hired by FTL in 1951. He never went back to TWA.

He flew until retirement in 1978 and worked as assistant Director of Flight Training for two more years. He spent his summers on Cape Cod sailing and playing golf, but flying was his first love and he continued this at the Santa Paula Airport until he passed away.

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