Flying Tiger Line
Pilots Association

Kyle Roser

Roser_KyleFlying Tiger Line Pilots Association

In Memoriam...


01/09/1960- 06/05/2015

Kyle Roser, MD-11 captain, passed away suddenly on June 5, 2015. He was born in Phoenix, Arizona on January 9, 1960 to Ledo and Helen Roser. Kyle served in the Air National Guard and served as captain and flew the C-130. During this time, he flew for Scheduled Skyways and eventually for Air MidWest, Flying Tigers and FedEx. Kyle was fluent in Spanish and Portuguese which made his job easier flying around the world, something I admired about him. Kyle married Maria on July 23, 2010. A few months later, he became the proud father of a son, Victor.

I had the privilege of meeting Kyle in February 1986 where I flew first officer for him on the Metroliner for Air MidWest. A year later, we were in a new hire class with Flying Tigers. Kyle started out flying second officer on the B-727 and then after the merger with Federal Express he transitioned to the first officer seat. In 1995, Kyle checked out as captain on the B-727, followed by the DC-10, and finished up on the MD-11. I consider myself lucky to have had Kyle as a true and trustworthy friend on whom I could always depend. I was honored to have his friendship for over thirty years. To those that knew Kyle, he was a private man, but loyal to his family and close friends.

If any of you would like to share your thoughts of Kyle, please send them to the

email address below and I will forward them to his wife and son.

Captain Nathan Peterson :

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