A Boeing jet know as the Tigers Polecat completed history's first pole to pole, round the world flight touching down at Honolulu International Airport just 62 hours and 28 minutes after its departure. Captain Jack L Martin, flight commander and pilot for Flying Tiger, called the trip a very big Success.
- The fad for Wham-0 Wiggle worms swept the country. And, of course, they flew Flying Tigers
- Flying Tigers met the challenge of the jet age with the Boeing 707-349C intercontinental jets. The Boeing 707s carried 72,00 pounds of freight at 550 miles per hour over a 3,000 mile range.
- Late in 1966 ground breaking ceremonies took place for the company’s Flight Training Center at Los Angeles.
- On March 6, 1967 Flying Tigers first DC8-63F arrived. It had a 110,000 pound payload and flew at 550 miles per hour over a 3,000 mile range.
- The FLight Traing Center opened in 1968
- Flying Tigers Boeing 707 POLECAT established speed and distance records on its pole-to-pole flight around the world.
- The Management Club formed in 1968
By far, the most exciting event was the receipt of the All-Cargo Route #163 across the Pacific into Asia. The Transpacific route opened the doors for Flying Tigers to Asia and the creation of a long-standing and respected relationship between the company and its friends across the Pacific.