Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association
In Memoriam...
Gene Taylor
Sept. 7, 1920- March 13, 1998
(Below) Gene shown receiving Silver Tiger Plaque from founder Bob Prescott during a party in 1975. Other Silver Tigers pictured, Sam Royal, Don Sanders, Prescott, Bob Tharp, Vern Wastman, Al Wilson (Crew Control), Gene, Dick Pocius and Duke Hedman.
(Below) Gene on last trip through RJAA receives congratulatory cake from Masao Narit
In Loving Memory
Gene was born on September 7, 1920 in Parsons, Kansas to Hugh and Marguerite Taylor.
He served as a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corp during World War II flying C-54s and C-87s over the Hump. After the war, he went to work for the Flying Tiger Line in 1947.
Gene married Virginia La Roux in 1942 and after his return from active duty he moved his family to Long Beach, CA.
Captain Taylor served as chief pilot and instructor/check pilot numerous times in his career. He was chief pilot-Burbank 1962-1967. In 1968, he joined the training department as manager of flight training during the introduction of the DC-8 to the fleet. He retired from line flying in 1980 and continued as a simulator instructor until 1983.
Gene is survived by his wife, Virginia; son Bob, a pilot with FedEx and his wife Patti and their children Tricia and Rob and son John a tile contractor.
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