Flying Tiger Line
Pilots Association

Dennis E. King

In Memoriam

September 4, 1933 - May 22, 2022

Dennis King flew west yesterday, May 22, in San Jose at the age of 88. He leaves behind his wife, Lynette. Please send condolences to her at 8052 Chardonay Court, San Jose, CA 95135.
Dennis had a real interesting start to his career. Hired as an F/E by Tigers in 1956, he spent his own money earning his flight licenses and ratings. Well before the greater F/E group was offered the opportunity to upgrade to the pilot seats, Dennis resigned Tigers as an F/E so that he could be considered as a pilot. Everything worked out perfect and he was rehired by Tigers in 1965, retaining his original employment number of 12013.
Dennis (at right during the 2012 Monterey Reunion) was a real gentleman, a great pilot, and was very endeared by all who knew him. Please keep Lynette and the King family in your thoughts and prayers.
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The following was submitted from Guy Van Herbruggen, Author of "FTL & The DC8", "Tiger 747", and "Flying Tiger Memories."
Charlie [Kennedy] and I met with Captain King in 2016 at the FTLPA reunion when I started to prepare for Tiger 747 book.  I remember an extremely kind person who came with a small box containing some of his souvenirs (stickers, photos, etc.). Sitting in the hospitality suite (photo below), we talked a lot and he gave all his memorabilia to me and Charlie including his personal notebook when he was instructor in the DC-8 simulator.  Was emotional and I always remember this moment when I go thru his memorabilia (that I marked with his name).
Rest in Peace.

The following comes from former FTLPA flight attendant Robin Pestrino:

Dennis was an F/E when we flew together in the ‘60s and ‘70s. He was always kind and considerate and very polite…except once. It was the third time in an hour an F/A had asked him to regulate the heat on a long flight from Anchorage to Yokota in the winter. The problem was the forward cabin would be roasting while the aft would have ice in the galley. I was Senior and unbeknownst to me, asked Dennis to cool down the forward cabin again. Well, he tried really hard not to be upset and told me he couldn’t perform miracles and if we wanted the - - - - cabin warm/cool to go through and open the pax air vents. We gave blankets to the aft cabin pax and didn’t bother Dennis again!

He was a delight at the reunions, still quiet, kind and friendly. He’ll be missed.

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